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We have something for everyone! In addition to our main worship service on Sunday at 10:00 am and Wednesday evening worship and prayer, we also have regular Bible studies, fellowship groups, and children's groups. The first Sunday of the month we have Communion. In Spring and Summer, we often hold baptisms and potlucks in our beautiful outdoor gardens. Check back here to see what's going on at Koinonia Church.
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Our Sunday worship service is being held at Koinonia on Comanche, and also livestreamed at 10:00 a.m. Sundays on Facebook.
Sunday Worship Service
10:00 am
Join us for worship, praise, and the hearing of God's word on Sunday mornings at Koinonia Church, 10405 Comanche Rd., NE.
On the first Sunday of the month we have Communion. During Spring and Summer months we have a potluck and baptisms as requested. We invite you to join with us in our beautiful out door gardens for sweet times of fellowship.
Pre-Service Prayer
9:00 am Doors open
Join other brothers and sisters as we pray specifically for the church service, everyone coming, our pastor and his wife, our music team and worship, and our Sunday school classes, the students and the teachers.
Be prayed up and ready to move into the Spirit as service starts!

Children's Church
We believe in growing up our children in the way of the Lord. Children's Church meets every Sunday morning. Children are dismissed after the Praise & Worship time concludes in the main 10:00 a.m. service. Nursery drop off starts at 10:00 am.

House of prayer 6:30 pm
Join us each Wednesday evening for worship and a focused, dedicated time of prayer. This year we have been led by the Spirit to intentionally seek God in prayer with a renewed dedication. We seek to build God's church on this foundation of prayer, to build closer relationship to Him, and to receive His healing and power in our lives.
We invite everyone to join us and discover — or rediscover — the power of prayer with us!

“... for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”
— Isaiah 56:7
Are you in need of prayer?
Womens Bible Study 9:45 am
We have 3 Bible studies a year, fall, winter and spring. Any one is welcome to join, as registration begins. The fall study has already started and is now closed for new participants. For more information about the date for the next study, contact Heather Ficklin 505-710-2525.
In between Bible studies Happy Hearts Women's Fellowship group that meets at the same time and place. It can be attended at any time. For more information contact
Robin Field 505-850-2052

Koinonia Men of God Fellowship
8:00 am
Join like-minded Christian men striving for a righteous relationship with Christ to meet for coffee, Bible study, prayer, and fellowship on Saturday mornings at 8:00 a.m.
All are welcome to join us for fellowship and sharing in God's word. No matter where you are in your life's journey we invite you to... Share your faith. Grow your faith. Find your faith.
Ladies Virtual Prayer Meeting via Zoom
This 20 minute prayer time is for sisters that need some prayer time with others. It starts at 7:30 am with a hard stop at 7:50 am to respect our time. Participate when you can.
Text Christina at 719-290-6848 or email to

Check our active and live Facebook page for additional scheduled events. Join us for fun, fellowship, and praise and worship!

Remember the Cross Gardens
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